Secrets Phantom Abyss Top

Secrets Phantom Abyss Top

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If I want to quit midway in, It says I will not be able to try the temple again, but if I die, it captures my phantom but gives me the option to try again, why?

Use their successes and failures to your advantage to progress deeper than they ever could have hoped. Blessings from the Gods As adventurers venture further into a temple, offerings of collected treasures can be made at altars to gain a new blessing for the rest of the run. Collect as much treasure as you can to please the gods and gain a double jump, glide jump, extended slide, damage protection, and more! Unlockable Whips Unlock new whips with success and choose from your collection before venturing into your next run. Each whips carries a minor blessing but also a curse that may complicate your attempt at riches and glory. Three modes Complete a series of progressively more challenging temples in Adventure mode, compete for the best time in Daily mode, and undergo the ultimate challenge in Abyss mode. Permanent Upgrades Scour every nook and cranny to uncover rare keys and unlock your full potential. More health, more speed, more power.


As it currently stands, there are already many thrills to be had in hunting for treasure while the temple’s perils hunt you, which makes for an exciting prospect for Phantom Abyss

Quick Whip decreases the time it takes for your whip to crack or connect with a platform, but does NOT reduce the cooldown of your grapple.

For example, while flying through the mossy ancient tombs, I often found myself scrambling at walls and ledges after my flow was interrupted by my grappling hook/whip falling short of its target.

This is all to say that Phantom Abyss falls somewhat short on achieving the goal of offering a challenging parkour adventure in a roguelite package. The whip and phantom gameplay involving other players’ trial and error are unique, but its clunkiness, difficulty, and disparate progression are worth a pause.

It may take some getting used to, but it can be an excellent strategy for quickly clearing rooms and obstacles. Should you choose to run the Ice Whip with its curse enabled, this blessing moves from one of the worst to one of the most essential.

That is rude. He loves action and rpg games, whether they be AAA or indie. He does not like sports games unless the sport is BASEketball. He will not respond to Journey psych-outs.

Once the legendary relic at the bottom of each temple is found, the temple goes away forever and becomes the priceless trophy of the skilled adventurer. Asynchronous Multiplayer Explore the perilous halls and colossal rooms of each temple alongside the phantoms of fallen players that came before you and use their successes and failures to your advantage to progress deeper than they ever could have hoped. Watch and learn from the mistakes of up to 20 phantoms including your Steam friends that have attempted the same temple and steal their whips as they fall.

So, it’s a platforming rogue-lite. I’m good with that. Collecting these Phantom Abyss Speedrun treasures will extend your own abilities, such as granting a double jump or lengthening the duration of your slide. You also have a whip, which can be used to swing yourself around.

Speedhackers already? I may be out of the loop, but I occasionally see phantoms that run at 2x or 3x the speed of a regular person, and depending on what type of whip I'm running, that takes steam out of my sails.

The cleverest players will use the phantom runs of failed attempts from other players to their advantage and avoid the missteps and mistakes that led to their doom.

You are not alone in your task, however. The temple is filled with the spirits of other adventurers, rendered as ghosts. You’re not playing with other people in real time. Rather, you’re seeing a recording of their run.

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